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We went hence two leagues further, to lie at Zumpango, another village in the valleys, which the Spaniards call Canada, because there is a road eight leagues in length, without shelter of any trees.

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Next to this place is a great town called Zumpango, which doth consist of at least eight hundred inhabitants, many of them very rich both Indians and Spaniards. Their commodities are chiefly Cotton-wool, and Sugar, and Cochinel.

and not have chosen to fix the two great Empires of Mexico and Peru within the Torrid Zone, and in a manner desert the rest of the Country. It is much more likely therefore, that the inhabitants of Peru and Mexico should derive themselves from the…

These Rains which overflow all the flat Country; the Land and Sea Breezes that blow alternately, and their numerous Lakes, render the Air cool, and make even the Torrid Zone habitable and pleasant: the Heats whereof would otherwise have been…

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Me thinks I hear thee cry: "Oh! Heavens! Is this Amexis, the great descendant of the Zempoalan chief that glories in being treated as the equal of a Spanish captain?" Yes, Zamor, it is the same Amexis: he forgets not his high descent; but is mindful…

Zempoallans were assembled on one of their most solemn festivals, to celebrate a sacrifice of human blood, which being performed with horrible ceremonies, the victims were cut in pieces , and sold to the people as sacred food.

…the Cacique of Cempoalla, their master, having learnt the great actions the Spaniards had performed at Tobasco, admired their valour, and in consequence was desirous of forming an alliance with them.

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They promis’d so to do, and were well pleas’d to be deliver’d from the Yoke of Montezuma, those People making the same Complaints against him and his Soldiers as the Zempoalans had done, and then return’d to Zempoala a different Way from that he…

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And some little time after, he understood, that Pamphilo de Narvaez had landed, and march’d with his Army directly for Zempoala.

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Lorsque Cortez entra la permière fois dans Zempoala, dans l’Amérique méridionale, cette ville étoit entièrement abandonée; les peuples n’avoient laisse dans leurs temples que quelques idoles, des couteaux de pierres, & quelques malheureux restes…

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The inhabitants of that province, a warlike people, were implacable enemies of the Mexicans, and had been united in an ancient alliance with the caziques of Zempoalla.

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The General continuing his march the next day for the town of Quibislan, situated on the coast where he had order’d his fleet to meet him, the Cacique of Zempoala commanded four hundred Indians to carry his baggage, and assist in drawing the…

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There’s another anonymous Beast, as big as a Rabbet, and like a Rat, which carries its Young on its back.

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There are two shorts of Curlews also; the largest sort as big as Turkeys, with long Legs and long crooked Bills; the Feathers of their Bodies of a dark Colour, and their Wings black and white; their Flesh black, but pretty good Food.

The place where Avila’s settlers now were, was about two leagues distant from where Cortes landed. They were greatly surprised at the appearance of Europeans, and more so when they found that it was the general so renowned through all these…

Au dessert, on servit des jarres précieuses, sur lesquelles étaient amoncelés les fruits les plus délicieux des Indes, & que l’on cultivait dans la Colonie: tels que le Mancey, l’Avocat, la Sapote, la Sapotille, la Caïmite, une espèce de Papaye…

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From the same port of Rio Norte, passing near the mines of La Sierra, and Laiguana, which are between the North river and the river Salina to Sartilla, is 375 miles; and from thence, passing the mines of Charcas, Zaccatecas, and Potosi, to the city…

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But during the few Days he was at Zacaticas, being at the Market Place, when the Chariots went thence, to carry Gold to Mexico, he heard so many Quarrels, Disputes, Oaths and Perjuries, as much increased his Desire to quit all Commerce with Men, whom…

But departed for Zacatecas, where greediness of wealth has peopled the mines with vast multitudes of inhabitants.

From this Relationship appears, that the Admiral in Person discovered the Lucayo’s or Bahama Islands, the great Islands of Cuba, Hispaniola, and Porto Rico, with several of the Caribbean Islands; that he afterwards discovered the Countries of Paria,…

And between Yucatan and Honduras, is another great Bay, call´d the Gulph of Honduras, in between the 15th and 18th Degree of North Latitude.

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The great Idea conceived of those Parts increased at this Time by what those Soldiers related, who accompanied Francisco Fernandez de Cordoba in the Discovery of Yucatan , a Peninsula scituate [sic.] on the Confines of New Spain .

Hernandez sailed to that part of Terra Firma which is called Yucatan , and when he had reached the coast continued the same course till he arrived at Campechy Bay

The true Logwood I think grows only in the Country of Yucatan ; and even there but only if some Places near the Sea. The chiefest places for it are either here or at Cape Catoch, and on the South side of Yucatan in the Bay of Honduras. There are…

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In the year of 1519, Ferdinando Cortez set sail from Spain, with a Fleet of thirteen Ships, and landed in the Island of Cozumel, on the east Side of that Part of the Continent called Yucatan from which Island the Spaniards invaded the Continent, and…

Hernandez sailed to that part of Terra Firma which is called Yucatan , and when he had reached the coast continued the same course till he arrived at Campechy Bay

and he soon found that this young woman, being born in a province of the Mexican Empire, and after her captivity having been carried to Yucatan, spoke with equal facility the language of both countries.

Now, the reason they give of this Name Yucatan is very odd. The Spaniards seeking for new Lands, and passing the Point of Yucatan inquired by Signs of those, they saw, the Name of the Place where they were. Tectetan signifies in the Indian Tongue, I…

Convert; and tender mercies show/ To Florida, and Mexico. / In Newfoundland and Yucatan, / Arcadia, Luban, and New Spain; / On Guinea’s ey’ry sunburnt isle, / Most humble Mediator smile.

Yuca is the Insular name of the plant made use of for bread, the heap of earth in which it is planted is called by these people, Tale; on being questioned relative to it, they saying they knew it, and using this word with its signification in their…

Yuca is the Insular name of the plant made used of for bread, the heap of earth in which it is planted is called by these people, Tal; on being questioned relative to it, they saying they knew it, and using this word with its signification in their…

The Cassavi Root, already mention’d, of which the Indians make Bread, is first boiled and squeez’d, then dried, ground and made into Paste and Biscuit; and tho’ this kind of Bread is very wholesome, when it is thus cook’d, yet if eaten before it is…

The Abbe Clavigero says the bee of Yucatan and Chiapa makes "the fine clear honey of Estabentun, of an aromatic flavour, superior to that of all the other kinds of honey with which we are acquainted." (^) The History of Mexico, Vol. I. p. 68. Perhaps…

The Mexican Wolf […] tail long, of the colour of the belly, tinged in the middle with tawny; legs and feet striped with black and ash colour: Sometimes this variety is found white; Pennant’s synop. of quad. P.151. Xoloizcuintli

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They had also some little dumb Dogs, with which they beat for Game; but no other kind.

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The Sochimilcas derived their name from the great city of Xochimilco which they founded on the southern shore of the lake of sweet water of Chalco

The lake of Chalco extended twelve miles from east to west, as far as the city of Xochimilco…

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Xicotencal commanded in Chief, who, as has been said, was General of the Army of the Republick; and under him the Auxiliary Troops were commanded by their own Caziquesm or most considerable Soldiers.

The speech of Magiscatzen was received with acclamation and applause; when the favourable intention of the senate was wholly altered by the interposition of Zicotencal their general, a young man of great ferocity and ambition, who ridiculed the…

The most considerable of this august body was Xicotencatl, the father of the young chief who bore his name, a venerable old man, who, though become blind with age, still retained his understanding in full vigour.

Xicotencatl, a young chief of an ardent and courageous spirit

‘Xicotencatl would not even listen to this message; and Cortez having sent the guard to bring him by force, he defended himself till covered with wounds he fell dead to the earth. Such was the tragical end of a man, who, differently situated, would…

To be convinced of this, we have only to observe, that, in the interior of continents, not a single volcano is to be found, unless it be in the vicinity of some lake, such as that of Mexico.

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In Mexico, Mount Popochamepeche, and Mount Popocatepax. There are also some [Burning Mountains] in the West India Islands.

And it is very remarkable, that the Mountains on the West side of Mexico, are most of them Volcanos from whence Fire and Smoke are perpetually issuing; and this is supposed to be the Occasion of those frequent Earthquakes that happen on this Coast,…

After we came aboard we saw the Volcan of Colima . This is a very high Mountain, in about 18 d 36 m. North, standing five or fix Leagues from the Sea, in the midst of a pleasant Valley. It appears with two sharp Peeks, from each of which there do…

The Popocatepec and Iztaccihuatl, which lay near each other, but thirty-three miles distant from Mexico towards the south-east, are also of a surprising height. Popocatepec, for which they have substituted the name Volcan, has a mouth or vent more…

As to the Virtudes of the ancient Mexicans, they do not seem to have been defective either in Point of Temperance, Fortitude, or military Skill: Both their Policy and Stratagems were admirable, considering the Disadvantages under which they labour’d;

The provinces are governed by viceroys (Virreyes); and all the American dominions of Spain are divided into three royal governments, under the viceroys of New Granada, Mexico, and Peru.

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