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  • Etiquetas: Flora

and Achiote, with which they make their Chocolate look of the colour of Brick

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The golden shaddock, the forbidden fruit, The white acajou, and rich sabbaca [Nota al pie de página] “This is the Indian name of the avocato, avocado, avigato, or, as the English corruptly call it, alligator-pear. The Spaniards in South-America name…


The Tlalcacahuatl, or Cacahuate as the Spaniards call it, is one of the most scarce plants which grow there. It is an herb, but very thick, and strongly supplied with roots. Its leaves are something like purslane, but not so gross. Its flowerets are…

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The cacao-nuts are esteemed by theMexicans as anodyne; and used, eaten raw, to assuage pains of the bowels.

They go out a hunting and shooting frequently in Companies a Week or Fortnight for Food, every Man carrying with him his Bow and Arrows, or a Gun, if he can procure one, a Spear, a Hatchet, and a long Knife. Each Man also takes a Dog or two with him…

The camote is another root, extremely common in that country, of which there are three species, one white, one yellow, and another purple. When boiled they taste well, especially those of Queretaro, which are justly prized over all the kingdom.

The Capollino or Capulin, as the Spaniards call it, is the cherry of Mexico. The tree is little different from the cherry tree of Europe; and the fruit is like it in size, colour, and stone, but not in taste.

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The chicozapote, (in Mexican, Chiclzapotl) is of a spherical shape, or approaching thereto; and is one and a half, or two inches in diameter. Its skin is grey, the pulp white, and the stones black,, hard, and pointed. From this fruit, when it is…

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Chicosapottes , which have within, a great black kernel as big as our House-plums; the fruit itself is as red within as Scarlet, as sweet as Honey, but the Chicosapotte is less, and some of them red, some brown coloured, and so juicy, that at the…

Those that frequent the Bay call it Spama, and affirm that it is much used by the spaniards of those parts, to make their Chocolate froth, who therefore set a great value on it. But I never yet met with any in England that knew it, except the Right…

The Jesuits-powder, which is the pounded bark of a species of fresh water mangle of Mexico, is a remedy for some fevers peculiar to America, which are occasioned by damp and hot situations

The Floripundio which, on account of its size, merits the first mention, is a beautiful white odoriferous flower, monopetalous, or consisting of one leaf, but so large, in length it is full more than eight inches, and its diameter in the upper part…

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Rio Lejia is however seated in an unwholesome air near some sebs and marshes, which send forth a noisome scent. In its neighbourhood grow, melons, pine-apples, guavas and prickle pears. The shrub which bears the guava fruit, has long and slender…

The Maguei called by the Mexicans, Metl; by the Spaniards, Pepita; and by many authors, the American aloe, from its being very similar to the real aloe, is one of the most common and most useful plants of Mexico. Hernandes describes nineteen species,…

Trouvons-nous en Europe comme au Mexique, un arbre comme le Maquéi ou Maguai, qui vaut lui seul une petite métairie; puisqu’il fournit à la fois du vin, du vinaigre, du miel, du fil, des aiguilles, des toiles & du bois propre à bâtir & à…

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They have an admirable Plant called Mugney, which furnishes small Wine, Vinegar, Honey, Needles, Thread, Stuffs and Timber.

There is an Herb found there which they call Maguey, or Maquei, this wonderful Plant, which is like Mana serves for every thing

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There is also an admirable tree, known by the name of Maguey, or Mayguey, which yields Wine, Vinegar, Honey, Thread, Needles, Stuffs, and Timber for Buildings.

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However plentiful and rich the mineral kingdom of Mexico may be, the vegetable kingdom is still more various and abundant. The celebrated Dr. Hernandez, the Pliny of New Spain, describes, in his Natural History, about twelve hundred plants, natives…

C´est même un objet digne d´être envié au Mexique par les plus puissants Etats de l´Europe, & il est étonnant qu´on n´ait point fait toutes les tentatives possibles pour parvenir à partager avec ce Païs l´avantage de faire un pareil Commerce;…

C´est même un objet digne d´être envié au Mexique par les plus puissants Etats de l´Europe, & il est étonnant qu´on n´ait point fait toutes les tentatives possibles pour parvenir à partager avec ce Païs l´avantage de faire un pareil Commerce;…

Les espagnols recueillent aussi, par le moyen d´une incision faie à l´espèce de peuplier qu´on nomme focot , ou faux tacamaca au Mexique , le baume focot .

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Mais le nom de tabac est aujourd´hui le plus en usage: il lui sut donné par les Espagnols, du nom de Tabago , l´une des provinces du royaume de Jucatan , ou de la nouvelle Espagne, sur la mer de Mexique , où pour la première fois ils en…

Les lieux les plus renommés où cette plante croîte, sont Vérine, le Brésil, Bornéo, la Virginie, le Mexique , l´Italie, l´Espagne, la Hollande, l´Angleterre.

3°. La Nicotiane à feuille ronde, ou petite Nicotiane , ou tabac femelle , ou faux tabac , ou tabac du Mexique .

La couleur de celle qu´on nous aporte du Pérou, se confond si bien avec celle de la vanille du Mexique , qu´on ne peut distinguer celle-ci, que par son odeur, qui est plus fine & plus pénétrante.

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La meilleure vanille vient du Mexique , par la voie de Cadix. Elle se distingue par son odeur, sa saveur, & sa couleur qui doit être d´un brun foncé, brillante sans être luisante.

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On choisit une once de vanille du Mexique , dont les gousses soient longues d´environ six pouces, bien remplies, & de la couleur brune tirant un peu sur le noir, brillante & grasse, sans être luisante, d´un odeur suave, pénétrante &…

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Les Polyphème et les Styloïdes (les Cochlicopes, de la seconde division des Agathines de Lamarck) appartiennent en général aux pays situés autour du golfe du Mexique et aux Antilles.

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C´est dans le golfe du Mexique que se trouve ce Fuseau, qui est long de 90 millim.

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La recolte de la vanilla se fait au Mexique dans les mois de novembre & décembre.

There is in Mexico a pleasant ring or park planted with trees, and adorned with fountains and water-works, whither the quality of both sexes, and the gay part of the town, resort every evening.

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The fruits which are unquestionably original in that country are the pine-apple, which from being at first view like to the pine-tree, was called by the Spaniards Piña.

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As their Pine-apples are one of the most delicious Fruits of America, an Infusion of these is one of their beloved Liquors; and indeed they make Drink of all manner of Fruits almost, as well as Grain, adding Honey to them at their Entertainments.

Adding some Roots, green Plantains, or their Fruits with a great deal of Pepper, stewing them together seven or eight Hours, and not suffering them to boil; this reduces all the Ingredients to a Pulp or Hotch-potch, and is for their Set-meal at Noon.

They go out a hunting and shooting frequently in Companies a Week or Fortnight for Food, every Man carrying with him his Bow and Arrows, or a Gun, if he can procure one, a Spear, a Hatchet, and a long Knife. Each Man also takes a Dog or two with him…

One thing I forgot, and no wonder, to mention in its place, and that is, that during the time Montezuma was at dinner, two very beautiful women were busily employed making small cakes with eggs and other things mixed therein. These were delicately…

Rio Lejia is however seated in an unwholesome air near some sebs and marshes, which send forth a noisome scent. In its neighbourhood grow, melons, pine-apples, guavas and prickle pears.

The Cochineel-trees are called by the Spaniard Toona’s : They are planted in the Country about Guatimala, and about Cheape and Guaxaca, all three in the Kingdom of Mexico.

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But as to Wine, their Country affords none; for their Grapes will not ripen kindly in the rainy Season, and the Heats at other Ties make the Liquor sour; and this is the reason, that scarce any Countries between the Tropics afford good Wine.

The Cassavi Root, already mention’d, of which the Indians make Bread, is first boiled and squeez’d, then dried, ground and made into Paste and Biscuit; and tho’ this kind of Bread is very wholesome, when it is thus cook’d, yet if eaten before it is…

The third species is titled, Dorstenia acaulis, foliis pinnatisido-palmatis integerrimis, floribus ovalibus. …It grows naturally at Vera Cruz.

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The true Logwood I think grows only in the Country of Yucatan ; and even there but only if some Places near the Sea. The chiefest places for it are either here or at Cape Catoch, and on the South side of Yucatan in the Bay of Honduras. There are…

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Au dessert, on servit des jarres précieuses, sur lesquelles étaient amoncelés les fruits les plus délicieux des Indes, & que l’on cultivait dans la Colonie: tels que le Mancey, l’Avocat, la Sapote, la Sapotille, la Caïmite, une espèce de Papaye…

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