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  • Etiquetas: Economía

del Marques, or of the marques, only two leagues distant from Acapulco, which has water enough for great ships and good anchoring; whither generally the ships of Peru, that dare not put into Acapulco, because they have prohibited goods, resort to…

Les Espagnols des Philippines fréquentent aussi Batavia: ils prennent sur-tout la canelle dont ils ont besoin pour leur consommation, et pour celle du Mexique. Ils paient cet important objet avec l’or et les piastres qui leur viennent d’Acapulco par…

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ACAPULCO in Mexico, an inconsiderable town, unless at the annual fair, which lasts about thirty days; when it becomes a populous city, crowded with the richest commodities of India, brought by the Manilla galleon; the treasures of Peru brought by the…

The trade of Mexico may be considered as consisting of three great branches, by which it communicates with the whole world: the trade with Europe by La Vera Cruz, the trade with the East-Indies by Acapulco, and the commerce of the South Sea by the…

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Arcbishoprick of Mexico, erected in 1518, is valued at 20000 Realles.

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The Archbishop of Mexico, erected in 1518, is valued at 20000 Reales.

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But the art of making sugar, it is said, never was practiced by the aborigines of the West Indian islands, until they were settled by Europeans; nor by the Mexicans, or Peruvians

Wheaten bread is quite banish'd from those parts, for the inhabitants eat none but cakes made of Maiz or Indian wheat, which is also given to the horses and mules instead of barely: They first wet, and then grind it on a stone as the do cacao. The…

Cocoa-nuts are used as Money in the Bays of Campeachy.

Cocoa-nuts are used as Money in the Bays of Campeachy .

They had no Vessels upon the water in their Seas, Lakes or Rivers, but Canoes or Periagoes, which only differ in the Dimensions. They are both of them made out of the body of a Tree, and carry from three Men to Threescore. They first hew’d one Side…

The Feather Manufacture also was very great: They stripp’d and plunder’d every feather’d Animal, to make their Pictures, and adorn their Houses or their Persons.

Among the animals reared by the Mexicans, no one is more worth of mention than the nochiztli, or Mexican cochineal, described by in our first book. This insect, so greatly valued in Europe on account of its dyes, and specifically those of scarlet and…

The insect, call’d Cochineel, is still more profitable to the Mexicans and Spaniards that the Bee: It is bred in a Fruit that grows on a Shrub about five Foot high, and full of Thorns: There is a red Flower on the Top of the Fruit, which falls down,…

But whereas we expected the this Commerce should be managed by Sea, we found ourselves mistaken : that of Mexico being almost wholly a Land trade, and managed more by Mules than by Ships.

Advice has lately arrived from South Carolina that they have, by a Law, fixed the Value of the Spanish Mexico Dollar at 32s. Currency, which, by referring to the Table of Pars, will be found to be a very just Settlement of the Price

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They had no Vessels upon the water in their Seas, Lakes or Rivers, but Canoes or Periagoes, which only differ in the Dimensions. They are both of them made out of the body of a Tree, and carry from three Men to Threescore. They first hew’d one Side…

The Spaniards have been supplied from thence, one Year with another, with three or four thousand Negroes, in return for which, and for Flower, Woollen and other Goods, there has been received of them Gold and Silver, the Produce of New Spain, 200000…

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I have not the least doubt, but that all the Provinces in America, would have purchased an Independency of trade from us, at a very large stipend or tax. –Was that tax equal to the mines of Mexico and Peru, it would do us no more good than those…

The whole Country in this Projection have been Owners (by their own Creation) of a Better, and more valuable Treasure, and of clearer Profit in the use and management of their Bills: than the Mines of Mexico are to the Spaniards, were these last…

The whole Country in this Projection have been Owners (by their own Creation) of a Better, and more valuable Treasure, and of clearer Profit in the use and management of their Bills: than the Mines of Mexico are to the Spaniards, were these last…

[…] the revenues of the church in America are immense. The worship of Rome appears with its utmost pomp in the New World. –Churches and convents there are magnificent and richly adorned […]

Their Churches and Monasteries are proportionably rich and splendid, and their Revenues surprisingly great.

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The Feather Manufacture also was very great: They stripp’d and plunder’d every feather’d Animal, to make their Pictures, and adorn their Houses or their Persons.

We find also that several Printing-houses were erected very early in the city of Lima, capital of the empire of Peru, and in several cities of the kingdom of Mexico.

It is reported of the Lake of Mexico, that it has two sorts of water, one part of it being fresh, and abounding with fish, insomuch that the fishery brings in to the government above twenty thousand crowns per annum; and the other part salt, and…

The principal Manufacture of the ancient Mexicans was Cotton Linen, which they spun and wove, and afterwards painted with the Figures of Men, Animals, Trees, Flowers.

Curious readers will be desirous to know how it happened, that the conquerors of Mexico who had gone through such dangers to obtain possession of that city, should now quit it to search for new settlements. To this I reply, that the books which…

And about 350 Leagues to the Westward and Leeward is la Vera Crus, which is the Port or chief Place of Trade with the Kingdom of Mexico on that side, as the above Places are for the Kingdom of Peru.

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The principal Manufacture/strong> of the ancient Mexicans< was Cotton Linen, which they spun and wove, and afterwards painted with the Figures of Men, Animals, Trees, Flowers.

It is said that the Mexicans and Peruvians without the use of either money or iron had made a very great progress in the arts.

It is this vast supply of Goods by the South Seas to the Kingdoms of Peru and Mexico, that has kept all the Silver and Gold from coming into the North, and occasioned the Total Ruin of Old Spain

On trouve aussi de l´or en poudre & en paillettes dans la plus grande partie des Torrents & des Fleuves de l´Asie, de l´Affrique & de l´Amerique; principalement dans l´Inde, le Gange & le Pactole en Asie; dans les Fleuves de Guaxata…

En Amerique, dans le Perou aux environs de Cusco; principalement dans tout le Chili; & dans la plûpart des Provinces du Mexique ; comme Guatemala; Costa Rica, &c.

Reaux Mexique , dont la croix est en fleuron, ne sont ordinairement qu´à dix deniers vingt-deux grains.

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Et en Amerique, dans plusieurs Provinces du Mexique ; principalement dans celles de Guadalaiara, de Zacatecas, & de Colima.

La fabrique des assignats est plus féconde que les mines du Mexique & du Pérou; & les assignats français valent des piastres & des guinées.

Quoique l´or fût commun au Mexique , il n´étoit pas alors le signe repréntatif de toutes les valeurs; le chocolat étant la boisson des Mexicains, les noix de cacao étoient l´instrument de leur commerce.

C´est même un objet digne d´être envié au Mexique par les plus puissants Etats de l´Europe, & il est étonnant qu´on n´ait point fait toutes les tentatives possibles pour parvenir à partager avec ce Païs l´avantage de faire un pareil Commerce;…

Et comment, d´ailleurs, pourroit-on attribuer aux trésors du Mexique & du Pérou la ruine du commerce, de la culture & de la industrie en Espagne?

(1) La fiscalité est à peu près telle que nous venons de la peindre au Mexique , la possession Espagnole la mieux administrée, dit-on; aussi l´on y ressent les mêmes effets; & l´on assure que le roi d´Espagne, qui a acheté, & qui paie par…

Il y a des marchands au Mexique , qui, après avoir récolté les gousses, ont la mauvaise-soi de les ouvrir, & d´en retirer la pulpe aromatique, à laquelle ils substituent des paillettes ou d´autres corps étrangers; ils ont ensuite la perfide…

La recolte de la vanilla se fait au Mexique dans les mois de novembre & décembre.

Les piastres qui sont portées aux hôtels des mennoies, sont de celles dites neuves du Mexique , dont le titre est fixé par arrét du 12 mai 1725, à 10 den. 20 grains, & sont reçues aux dites hôtels sur le pied de 46 livres 12 sols le marc.

Louis de France avant 1709, de 36 1/2 au marc; Pistles du Mexique , & Roupies d´or du Mogol.

"The mountains of Mexico abound in ores of every kind of metal, and a great variety of fossils. The Mexicans found gold in various parts of their country: they gathered this precious metal chiefly in grains among the sand of the river. Silver was dug…

How preposterous must those Notions be, and how oddly must they think, if they can be said to think at all, who suggest Mischief from the Increase of our Colonies! Do any other Nations act thus? Do the Spaniards think their Empires of Mexico and…

If we should go over to America, whether to the Brasils, the flourishing Colony of the Portuguese, how many Hundred Thousand Moyd’ors a Year do we receive from thence, for the English Manufactures worn and consumed there, notwithstanding the intense…

I have not the least doubt, but that all the Provinces in America, would have purchased an Independency of trade from us, at a very large stipend or tax. –Was that tax equal to the mines of Mexico and Peru, it would do us no more good than those…

We need neither envy them their Spice Islands (that valuable Branch Trade, whereof they infamously robbed us) nor the Spaniards their Mines of Peru and Mexico

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