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Allegorical representations of beverages in the forms of an Asian man holding a cup of tea, an Arabic man holding a cup of coffee, and a native American man holding a cup of chocolate. Includes feathered headdress and garments, leg ornaments, bow,…

The copy of a antient picture kept by D. Carlos Siguenza in which is drawn & describ'd the road the antient Mexicans travell'd when they came from the Mountains to inhabit the Lake, call'd at present of Mexico, with the Hieroglyphicks signifying…


le chef indien Montezuma, dernier roi du Mexique. Découverte du Nouveau Monde.

As to Bees, they have several sorts, which make their nests in trees, or in Holes of the Rocks; from whence the Natives get a great deal of Honey, with which they make some of their strongest Liquors. Wafer doubts, whether some of these Bees have…

I took my leave of all my friends the following days, and Sunday 17th being Shrove-Sunday, the Blacks, Mulattos, and Mesticos of Acapulco, after dinner ran races with above an hundred horses; which they perform'd so well, that I thought they far…

About two in the afternoon there was a little earthquake, the noise being heard from the mountains, would have given the people time to save themselves, tho' it had been violent. These earthquakes are so frequent at Acapulco, that the people are…

So that Friday 25th Acapulco was converted from a rustick village into a populous city; and the huts before inhabited by dark Mulattoes were all fill'd with gay Spaniards.

del Marques, or of the marques, only two leagues distant from Acapulco, which has water enough for great ships and good anchoring; whither generally the ships of Peru, that dare not put into Acapulco, because they have prohibited goods, resort to…

It [Acapulco] has nothing good but the natural security of the harbour; which winding like a snail, as was said before, and having water alike in all parts, the ships are enclos'd in it with vast high mountains, as if they were wall'd in.

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This ill temper of the air, and the mountainous foil, are the cause that Acapulco must me supply'd with provisions from other parts; and therefore it is dear living there, because a man cannot eat well under a piece of eight a dar; the place, besides…

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But it is to be observ'd, that in Acapulco, Mexico, and other places of New Spain, it never rains in the morning, and therefore he that will not be wet, must take care to dispatch his business before noon, and then  stay at home.

Acapulco, a little Town newly built, with St. James’s Castle, most strongly fortify’d on a Hill; having five Bastions and a very capacious Harbour, from whence Ships set sail every Year to the Philippine Islands and China.

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Having sail’d above 700 Leages along the Coast, on the first of December we arriv’d at Acapulco, the Seaport Town in New Spain, on the South Sea, for this Voyage, lying in 16 Degrees 40 Minutes of North Latitude, and is one of the most spacious, the…

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Elle le centre du commerce Espagnol, et c’est de cette ville que l’on envoie tous les ans à Acapulco sur la côte du Méxique, deux gros vaisseaux ou galions chargés d’épicerie, d’éttofes, de joyaux et d’autres marchandises précieuses de l’Inde.

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Les Espagnols des Philippines fréquentent aussi Batavia: ils prennent sur-tout la canelle dont ils ont besoin pour leur consommation, et pour celle du Mexique. Ils paient cet important objet avec l’or et les piastres qui leur viennent d’Acapulco par…

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ACAPULCO in Mexico, an inconsiderable town, unless at the annual fair, which lasts about thirty days; when it becomes a populous city, crowded with the richest commodities of India, brought by the Manilla galleon; the treasures of Peru brought by the…

The trade of Mexico may be considered as consisting of three great branches, by which it communicates with the whole world: the trade with Europe by La Vera Cruz, the trade with the East-Indies by Acapulco, and the commerce of the South Sea by the…

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The chief embarcaderos, or ports of trade, belonging to this empire, are in the kingdom of Mexico, or New Spain, La Vera Cruz in the North Sea, and Acapulco, in the South Sea.

The second Town I shall decribe in Mexico Proper is Acapulco, a celebrated Port on the South Sea.

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Acapulco is a pretty large Town, 17 deg. North of the Equator. It is the Sea-Port for the City of Mexico, on the West-side of the Continent; as La Vera Cruz, or St. Joan d’Ulloa in the Bay of Nova Hispania, is on the North-side. This Town is the only…

For the great Design we had then in Hand, was to lie and wait for a rich Ship which comes to Acapulco every Year richly laden form the Philippine lands.

First they are sent in Ships that are bound for Nueva Espana and Mexico; and after they have rested two or three months in Mexico, they are sent to Acapulco , lying on the Mar del Sur, there they are Shipped in two great Carack which yearly go and…

Plan of the City of Mexico

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and Achiote, with which they make their Chocolate look of the colour of Brick

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The Achiotte hath a piercing, attenuating quality, as appeareth by the common practice of the Physicians of the India’s, experienced daily in the effects of it

There is also another Commodity, great among the Spaniards, call’d Achiotte, wherewith they make their Chocolatte look of the colour of a brick.

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I proceed, in the next place, to enquire into the Religión of the Mexican Tribes, who succeeded the Chichimeca’s; and these, according to Acosta, de Solis, and other Spanish Writers of Figure, acknowledg’d one supreme God as well as Peruvians, and…

Joseph Acosta tells us, that when the Inhabitants of the Sea Coasts sent Expresses to Montezuma with News of the first Appearance of the Spanish Navy, their Advices were delineated in Large Paintings upon Cloth.

Acosta relates, that in this time (upwards of a hundred Years ago) the European Sheep were for multiplied, that it was an ordinary thing for a Spanish Grazier to be possess’d of ten or twenty thousand Sheep.

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The Administration was generally good, so that their Politicks were much better than their Religión

Know then, that your are deluded; that you follow a false worship; that you pay adoration to inanimate blocks, the inventions of your priests, and the work of your own hands.

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From amongst whom, assembled in great Numbers, three advanced, who, by the Ornaments of their Habits, seemed the principal Men of the Country; and stopping so long as was necessary to observe who was the chief Commander, by the Respect the others…

Saturday 2nd, we went down the mountain along a craggy road, and travll'd four leagues and a half to St. Augustin de las Cuevas; having first paid a rial for every mule to the guards of the road, whom we found at the foot of the mountain. The F.…

The Waters of these Lakes are not fit for all Uses; one of them is so salt, that they make Salt of Waters: And tho’ some Travellers relate, that in Several Places they are sweet and wholesome

Also the consecration of this Idol, a certain vessel of water was blessed with many words and ceremonies (peradventure from this heathenish Ceremony came the superstitious holy water of Rome)

The golden shaddock, the forbidden fruit, The white acajou, and rich sabbaca [Nota al pie de página] “This is the Indian name of the avocato, avocado, avigato, or, as the English corruptly call it, alligator-pear. The Spaniards in South-America name…


Against an Enterteinment, they frequently steep twenty or thirty Baskets of Indian Corn, and after the Water is impregnated, the Women chew more of the same Corn and spit into it, which ferments and works the Liquor like Yeast; and when it has done…

The largest, the most beautiful, and the most valuable among the eagles is that named itzquauhtli, which not only pursues the larger birds and hares, but will even attack men and beasts.

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