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Ce principe, de ne pas combattre pendant la nuit, est encore en usage chez plusiers peuples, & étoit observé par les anciens habitans du Mexique ; c´étoit une des maximes fondamentales du droit du gens, maxime qui, suivant le scholiaste de…

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Le prémier & le plus considerable est en original à la Bibliotheque du Roi, & a été imprimé avec une traduction par feu M. Thevenot, Garde de la même Bibliotheque. Il contient une espece d´histoire de la Ville de Mexique , avec une…

Le second est un Journal du Voyage des Mexicains, depuis leur départ du Nord de l´Amérique, jusqu´à leur établissement sur les bords du Lac, au milieu duquel ils bâtirent la ville du Tenoxtitlan , ou Mexique .

Fernand Cortez la trouva establié au Méxique où plus de mille Seigneurs vinrent le saluer en touchant la terre avec leurs mains, qu´ils portoient ensuite à leur bouche.

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Dans le nouveau Monde, la suite des Rois du Mexique est la seule dont on puisse déterminer les générations; elles sont de trente ans dix mois, & dans la famille des descendans de Montezuma par femmes, de trente-trois ans

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Au reste cette coutume, quelque révoltante qu´elle soit, ne doit pas plus nous étonner de la part des anciens, que de la part des peuples du Mexique , où les Espagnols la trouvèrent établie depuis long-temps.

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À peu près à la distance de cinq mille , indiquée par les Chinois, nous trouvons sur nos cartes la côte méridionale d´une isle, que Don Jean de Gama découvrit en allant du Mexique à la Chine.

Aux environs du nouveau Mexique , on a trouvé des peuples qui avoient des maisons à plusieurs étages, avec des sales, des chambres & des étuves.

Quelques écrivains ont prétendu que ces peuples policés, situés au nord, sont des restes des Mexicains qui pirent la suite dans le temps que Fernand Cortez pénétra dans le Mexique , & qui, remontant au nord de leur pays, allèrent fonder des…

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Quoique cette conjecture paroisse n´être pas destituée de fondement nous lisons néanmoins dans Acosta, que les Mexicains eux-mêmes étoient, long-temps avant l´invasion des Espagnols, sortis du nord; ce qui me porte à croire que les Chinois, qui…

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Vers l´an 820, les Navatalques, nation sage & policée, se rendirent au Mexique , dont ils chassèrent les habitans, & y fonderent le puissant empire que les Espagnols ont détruit.

Les Navatalques n´apportèrent pas du nord la coûtume de sacrifier des victimes humaines, ces sacrifices barbares ne furent institués qu´après leur entrée dans le Mexique , & à l´occasion d´un évènement dont on trouve l´histoire dans Acosta.

C´est une navigation bien singulière & bien hardie pour des Chinois, qui ont toûjours passé pour des navigateurs médiocres, peu capables d´entreprendre de longs voyages, & dont les visseaux ne sont point d´une construction assez solide, pour…

Voilà les ληςαι, dont la Perse paroît remplie, dans Strabon & dans d´autres écrivains, depuis les fleuves & la mer de l´Inde, jusqu´au nord de la mer Caspienne; ainsi que l´Amérique, depuis le golphe du Mexique jusqu´au nord du Lac…

Toutes ces nations, plus ou moins vagabondes, sont au nord, au nord-est, d´un empire considérable, le Mexique , qui avoit subjugué & réuni, lorsque les Espagnols en firent la conquête, les peuplades moins fortes & moins actives du 20.° degré…

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Celles qui habitent à l´est, la Louisiane, par la rivière des Ilinois, le Misouri & le Mississipi, descendent même des lacs jusqu´au golfe du Mexique , c´est-à-dire , du 42.° degré au 29.° par une route de 325 lieues en ligne directe, plus de…

In general, the stomach is empty at the end of the seventh hour after eating; and we judge of the emptiness of the stomach from the return of hunger: the Mexicans digest more rapidly, for they are in danger of fainting if they fast more than three…

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OLD MEXICO or NEW SPAIN, 2000 miles long, and 620 in its greatest breadth; between 8 and 30 deg. N. Lat. And 83 and 110 deg. W. Lon. Its capital MEXICO situate in the centre of a lake, carries on a trade with Europe, by LA VERACRUZ, and with the East…

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Their [de los indios] countenance, at first view, appear mild and innocent; but upon a narrow inspection, they discover something wild, distrustful, and sullen.

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The mental powers of the American Indians appeared still more feeble than the frame of their bodies. They had no ideas but what related to present objects. They had not a word to express any thing but what is material and corporal.

Still, however, the Americans were more remarkable for agility than strength. They were not only averse to it, but incapable of it

Electric Bodies Amber, jet, pitch and sulphur; likewise all the precious stones, as diamonds, rubies, garnets, topazes, hyacinths, chrysolites, emeralds, sapphires, amethysts, opals, and especially tourmaline: all resins and resinous compounds, wax,…

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The figures of serpents, of tigers, and of other destructive animals decorated their temples.

The figures of serpents, of tigers, and of other destructive animals decorated their temples.

The figures of serpents, of tigers, and of other destructive animals decorated their temples.

Fasts, mortifications and penances, all rigid, and many of them excruciating to an extreme degree, were the means which they employed to appease the wrath of their Gods. But of all offerings, human sacrifices were deemed the most acceptable.

Churches and convents are magnificent and richly adorned; and on high festivals, the display of gold and silver, and precious stones, is such as exceed the conception of an European.

Churches and convents are magnificent and richly adorned; and on high festivals, the display of gold and silver, and precious stones, is such as exceed the conception of an European.

Fasts, mortifications and penances, all rigid, and many of them excruciating to an extreme degree, were the means which they employed to appease the wrath of their Gods. But of all offerings, human sacrifices were deemed the most acceptable.

Churches and convents are magnificent and richly adorned; and on high festivals, the display of gold and silver, and precious stones, is such as exceed the conception of an European.

There are four hundred monasteries in New Spain.

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The Spanish Monarchs have become, in effect, the heads of the Roman Catholic American church. In them the administration of its revenues is vested.

OLD MEXICO or NEW SPAIN: The divinities of the native inhabitants of Mexico were clothed with terror, and delighted in vengeance.

The Spanish Monarchs have become, in effect, the heads of the Roman Catholic American church. In them the administration of its revenues is vested.

Churches and convents are magnificent and richly adorned; and on high festivals, the display of gold and silver, and precious stones, is such as exceed the conception of an European.

[…] the revenues of the church in America are immense. The worship of Rome appears with its utmost pomp in the New World. –Churches and convents there are magnificent and richly adorned […]

Old Mexico or New Spain: The divinities of the native inhabitants of Mexico were clothed with terror, and delighted in vengeance.

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Churches and convents are magnificent and richly adorned; and on high festivals, the display of gold and silver, and precious stones, is such as exceed the conception of an European.

The hierarchy is established in America in the same form as in Spain, with its full range of Archbishops, Bishops, Deans, and other dignitaries. – The inferior clergy are divided into three classes, under the denomination of Curas, Doctrineros and…

We find, in fact, that when America was first discovered, this was the only form of writing known in the kingdom of Mexico. By historical pictures, the Mexicans are said to have transmitted the memory of most important transactions of their empire.…

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The chief embarcaderos, or ports of trade, belonging to this empire, are in the kingdom of Mexico, or New Spain, La Vera Cruz in the North Sea, and Acapulco, in the South Sea.

The Bird which they call Cincon, whose plumage is admirable, is less than a Locust, it lives upon Dew, and the smell of Flowers, during the month of October, it fixes itself to a Bough of a Tree, and remains sleeping on it, and does not awake, till…

the Mechanick Tradesmen have strings of Pearls

the Mexicans carried strings of Gold

There is an Herb found there which they call Maguey, or Maquei, this wonderful Plant, which is like Mana serves for every thing

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Cortés: Your Magicians, your Idols, and your Fortune-tellers have cheated you.

the great Lake of Mexico, which nourishes a Lizard, good to eat, whose Femlae has the Nature, and Inconveniences of a Woman.

Moctezuma: It is easy to compose Histories, when one knows to Write; but we can’t Write, and yet make Histories.

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Moctezuma: Remember, that the Spaniards found in our Country's Enigma’s, of which they understand nothing, and by these Enigma’s, we lifted up prodigious stones, which they did not conceive, how they could lift them up to such a height, as they did,…

the Mexicans carried strings of Gold and roses of Diamonds in their Hats
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